We were hit with the flu bug at our house this week so I am a few days behind getting this posted! But on the 7th our lil princess turned 5 months old!! WOW!! Amazing how fast time flies! Braden said just the other day, "Kelsee is almost a half a year old!" Dale and I just looked at each other and I think we both wanted to cry!
You have been so fun this month! You are starting to really play with your toys and interact with us. You especially LOVE to play in your exersaucer. You have hit a few HUGE milestones this month! You started eating cereal in your highchair, you are beginning to SIT UP, you can pull yourself up while we hold your hands, you can hold your own bottle (when you get one, which is seldom), you are rolling everywhere, and you can hold your toys and even make some of them "work".
You weigh about 18lbs, are wearing size 3 diapers and are just about to outgrow your 3-6 month clothes. You have decided that you are too big for your bouncie seat and are starting to think that about your swing too. And heaven forbid we should make you lay down if you do not want to! Oh and DO NOT WIPE YOUR FACE!!! :)
You are still nursing VERY well! You eat about every 3 hours and then eat your cereal before bed. Just today I fed you your cereal for breakfast so we can start a veggie for supper! I have started giving you oatmeal and you like that much better than the rice cereal. Your sleeping patterns on the other hand are lil to be desired by your Daddy and I right now! You were sleeping so well and a couple of weeks ago you started waking up numerous times at random! You think you have to nurse to go back to sleep so it has been very tiresome for Mommy! I am NOT giving up on nursing yet though! We have started letting you try to put yourself back to sleep some and that has been a VERY LONG and STRESSFUL experience for both Mommy and Daddy. Hopefully this will get better very soon!
Well, here are a few pics of your during the past month.
You have been so fun this month! You are starting to really play with your toys and interact with us. You especially LOVE to play in your exersaucer. You have hit a few HUGE milestones this month! You started eating cereal in your highchair, you are beginning to SIT UP, you can pull yourself up while we hold your hands, you can hold your own bottle (when you get one, which is seldom), you are rolling everywhere, and you can hold your toys and even make some of them "work".
You weigh about 18lbs, are wearing size 3 diapers and are just about to outgrow your 3-6 month clothes. You have decided that you are too big for your bouncie seat and are starting to think that about your swing too. And heaven forbid we should make you lay down if you do not want to! Oh and DO NOT WIPE YOUR FACE!!! :)
You are still nursing VERY well! You eat about every 3 hours and then eat your cereal before bed. Just today I fed you your cereal for breakfast so we can start a veggie for supper! I have started giving you oatmeal and you like that much better than the rice cereal. Your sleeping patterns on the other hand are lil to be desired by your Daddy and I right now! You were sleeping so well and a couple of weeks ago you started waking up numerous times at random! You think you have to nurse to go back to sleep so it has been very tiresome for Mommy! I am NOT giving up on nursing yet though! We have started letting you try to put yourself back to sleep some and that has been a VERY LONG and STRESSFUL experience for both Mommy and Daddy. Hopefully this will get better very soon!
Well, here are a few pics of your during the past month.
Well Kelsee, once again another month has gone by WAY too fast! We are enjoying you so much and all 4 of us ABSOLUTELY adore you!!! I love to watch you with your brother and sister. You completely light up when they come anywhere near you! Kelsee you have completely changed our lives and we LOVE every minute of it!!
I LOVE you baby!!!
Love the one of her in the high chair! What a big girl she is already! :) Tell Dale to stop boring that poor child, that is too funny! Your kids are darlings.